Muses and Mystics: A Crossroads for Pagan Musicians
(click the graphic to enter the bulletin board)
A lifelong bard and musician, I have often wondered exactly how to get the word out, to find others of like mind and to locate pagan music resources. I've used referral services in the past, but none of them seemed to specifically identify Pagan musicians. So I've started a FREE referral and information service for the pagan community, designed to help connect pagan musicians with bands, gigs, venues, information, radio stations, record labels and other resources, services and supplies. And people looking for pagan entertainment can see who's out there, too. Maybe find the perfect act or accompaniment for your next ritual, festival, hand-fasting or other event and maybe find some really cool people to invite to a drum circle. Who knows? My goal is to promote and support live pagan
music around the world. After all, there's no replacement for the energy
created by live music. In this world of synthesized, pre-packaged
and shrink-wrapped sounds, sometimes it's easy to forget that; sometimes
you don't miss your water until the well runs dry. Well, I believe
in musicians, and I believe in paganism. So this is my attempt to
re-connect the people of the earth with those who speak the universal
language, who can remind us, inspire us and connect us through song. If you want to return to the exchange later, just bookmark this
link: If you'd like to include a link to the exchange on your website, feel free to use the following graphic and the link above Bright Blessings, Good Journeys and Many Songs of Light and Love Graybeard /|\ Check out our newest project at Muses & Mystics:
Since February 25, 2000 have journeyed to the Crossroads |
Starlight's Studio: | Who is Starlight Dances? | Teas, Incense & Other Recipes | The Wheel of the Year | Phases of the Moon | Starlight on NAGPRA | The Church of Culture | Magickal Herbalism 101 | Intro to Color Magick | Correspondence Charts | A Horticultural Grimoire | In the Studio with Star |
Greybeard's Garage: | Who is Greybeard Dances? | Paganism 101 | A Question of Definitions | Paganus: Another Perspective | Responsible Pagan Authorship | Monotheists Anonymous | Greybeard's Poetry | Muses & Mystics | A Shrine to Pan | Recommended Reading | Radical Druidry |
Mirthful Paths: | The Mirthful E-List | Our Award Winners | Word/Riddle of the Day | The Whole Pagan Webring | Survivor III: Swamp Casting |
Links & More Links: | Reciprocal Sites | Pagan Organizations | Pagan Authors | Web Rings | Banner Exchanges |
About This Site: | Sign Our Guestbook | View Our Guestbook | What's New? | Awards We've Won | Site Credits | Contact Us |
All site contents, unless otherwise noted, are the copywritten property of Starlight and Greybeard Dances, and may not be borrowed, used, quoted or otherwise distributed in their entirety or in any part without express written permission. Questions or comments on this site may be directed to either Starlight or Greybeard.
This site last updated: 21 Aug 2003 12:05 PM -0500