What's New at Pan's Land?
Check here to find out what's new and what's in the works in our ever-expanding land of mirth :). We'll try to keep up with each site update as it occurs...
July 20, 2001
Starlight has been adding sections related to our wonderful "Yarden" - that is, a yard that has been overrun by the garden. The first installment takes the form of individual plant fact sheets in what we like to call the "Horticultural Grimoire." We'll have pictures, links, lunar gardening information and much more coming in the near future.
We've also added our take on the whole reality TV craze - Survivor III: Swamp Casting. Guaranteed to make you chuckle, if you don't take yourself too seriously.
Coming soon...
Starlight is busy working on a set of meditations for beginner and advanced students alike, and creating some wonderful areas for contemplating the earth, air, fire and water. She's also working on a recommended reading list for young pagans, and creating a virtual shrine to Artemis (and probably one to Inanna as well). Of course, more recipes are also forthcoming, and updates to the Wheel of the Year (hopefully, we'll get caught up by Beltane).
Graybeard is working on a couple of new things, too...an analysis of pagan music, some new MIDI files, updating his recommended reading list (and somehow, in the process, coming up with a "Great Books" list for pagans -- any suggestions?), and doing research into writing a parental control software application for pagan parents - one that doesn't, like Cybersitter or others, exclude the words pagan, witch, Wicca, etc.
And we're slowly but surely fleshing out our links section...much more work to be done there.
Bright blessings. Come back soon.
Starlight's Studio: | Who is Starlight Dances? | Teas, Incense & Other Recipes | The Wheel of the Year | Phases of the Moon | Starlight on NAGPRA | The Church of Culture | Magickal Herbalism 101 | Intro to Color Magick | Correspondence Charts | A Horticultural Grimoire | In the Studio with Star |
Greybeard's Garage: | Who is Greybeard Dances? | Paganism 101 | A Question of Definitions | Paganus: Another Perspective | Responsible Pagan Authorship | Monotheists Anonymous | Greybeard's Poetry | Muses & Mystics | A Shrine to Pan | Recommended Reading | Radical Druidry |
Mirthful Paths: | The Mirthful E-List | Our Award Winners | Word/Riddle of the Day | The Whole Pagan Webring | Survivor III: Swamp Casting |
Links & More Links: | Reciprocal Sites | Pagan Organizations | Pagan Authors | Web Rings | Banner Exchanges |
About This Site: | Sign Our Guestbook | View Our Guestbook | What's New? | Awards We've Won | Site Credits | Contact Us |
All site contents, unless otherwise noted, are the copywritten property of Starlight and Greybeard Dances, and may not be borrowed, used, quoted or otherwise distributed in their entirety or in any part without express written permission. Questions or comments on this site may be directed to either Starlight or Greybeard.
This site last updated: 21 Aug 2003 12:05 PM -0500