Who is Starlight Dances?
Starlight emulating her childhood hero, Curious George...swinging in the trees...
Smiling ...the artist responds, one who strives to defy definition. I guess a description is order here...I am rather short, 5'3" to be precise and have long dark hair with a smattering of freckles that cross my nose like someone flung mud at me:)~...aged 37, of the feminine gender. I attended college at Tulane University with a double major Cultural Anthropology/ Art History, minor Fine Arts (painting...in particular). I am very impertinent ....my childhood heroes were Curious George and Squirrel Nutkin! I am a nurturing mother, artist (oil), poet, writer, herbalist, swampwitch, treehugger, dancer, best friend & lover of Graybeard.
Okay now on to spiritual matters....I am a Earth Lover (pagan :) of the family traditional witchcraft ilk. By this I mean my great grandmother taught me many interesting & useful things...not to mention hatha yoga & tarot when I was growing up (I believe that my tutorial began at age 4...when she allowed me to shuffle her most beautiful hand-colored deck).
Now a bit about traditional witches...we generally travel whatever spiritual path calls us. Each of us utilize a wide variety of tools upon our road to enlightenment, for example...the Kabbalah has called my mother, however I am very drawn to Herbalism (does this mean that I only use herbs which grow in this area...NO, though I am an avid wildcrafter & gardener...I utilize modern facilities ...ie...the computer:). Will we "send you a spell" ? NO, I don't think so... if you have need of spiritual guidance then one spell will not assist you. Let me quantify this...The study of an enlightened path can hardly be diluted to one spell or book, there are many paths in this world...some of the information that we have provided here may assist you upon your path...but the awareness level is entirely up to you. I am pleased to assist & walk a path less traveled with you, I wish you a good journey friend. Dance when you hear the piper's flutes whispering softly in your ear...remember there is magick in everything! If you came here seeking the one grain of sand that will lead to instant enlightenment ...then I will say to you....IT IS THE WHOLE BEACH, NOT JUST ONE GRAIN OF SAND!
My personal journey has been one of mirth:). Though I often forget my athame (which is an ornate letter opener with a spiral at the end), I rarely travel anywhere without my pruning shears & herbal field guide. My personal handbag is a basket, with plenty of room for clippings ...to say nothing of the golden nutmegs contained therein. The idea that magick is for only the chosen few is a foreign idea to me....everything & everyone are filled with magickal energy, it is up to the individual to study/honor/quest the truth within themselves. It has been my experience that reverence for the earth, ancestors, deities and all life forms have enriched my being and given me a sense of the interconnectedness of all things. As leaves on a tree we all are separate, yet connected. This connection I honor in many ways and strive to live a peaceful, harmonious, mirthful & magickal life every day.
My mate is Graybeard...he is wonderful and very impertinent, it is my belief that we have been destined to find each other and that all of the previous trials in both of our lives have been well rewarded by this union. I love him dearly and he is Pan incarnate...wickedly intelligent, handsome, musical, a writer, poet & deedler. Together we combine to equal one whole ... as the forces that united us shall ever hold us near, so we shall hold each other.
Starlight's Studio: | Who is Starlight Dances? | Teas, Incense & Other Recipes | The Wheel of the Year | Phases of the Moon | Starlight on NAGPRA | The Church of Culture | Magickal Herbalism 101 | Intro to Color Magick | Correspondence Charts | A Horticultural Grimoire | In the Studio with Star |
Greybeard's Garage: | Who is Greybeard Dances? | Paganism 101 | A Question of Definitions | Paganus: Another Perspective | Responsible Pagan Authorship | Monotheists Anonymous | Greybeard's Poetry | Muses & Mystics | A Shrine to Pan | Recommended Reading | Radical Druidry |
Mirthful Paths: | The Mirthful E-List | Our Award Winners | Word/Riddle of the Day | The Whole Pagan Webring | Survivor III: Swamp Casting |
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All site contents, unless otherwise noted, are the copywritten property of Starlight and Greybeard Dances, and may not be borrowed, used, quoted or otherwise distributed in their entirety or in any part without express written permission. Questions or comments on this site may be directed to either Starlight or Greybeard.
This site last updated: 21 Aug 2003 12:05 PM -0500