The Pan's Land Award for Mirthful Magnificence

Sites that are a wondrous combination of beauty and intelligence, providing not only a wealth of information to the site visitor, but leaving you feel as if you have spent some time in another fabulous world; or providing a vision that gives this world we live in
even more harmonious and marvelous potential.

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Award Winners

More than just a collection of message boards for pagans, witches, druids and other wayward pilgrims seeking kinship and camaraderie, Salome's Circles is a wonderful virtual world to entice, delight and inform its visitors...a vision of beauty and harmony that is what community should be.  Lady Salome, the wonderful creatrix of this world, is a true "old school" pagan and artist, who has crafted an exquisite playground for all to enjoy.

Quanyin's Garden and Third Eye Images

Truly a virtual garden of harmony, mercy and kindness.  Webmistress Naomi Shifra, a minister, a registered nurse, a counselor, a healer, a photographer, a poet and a psychic, has provided here a beautiful world of writings and links. 

A fascinating journey encompassing New Age Spirituality, Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan & Fractal Art, Magic, Tantra, Astrology, Dta Research, 60's, Inspiration, Ireland...Site creators Hans and Thomas, in dedicating their site to "the rainbow nature of the mind, the mysteries of life & the search for enlightenment" have truly captured the essence of their wonderful place.

Starlight's Studio: Who is Starlight Dances? | Teas, Incense & Other Recipes | The Wheel of the Year | Phases of the Moon | Starlight on NAGPRA | The Church of Culture | Magickal Herbalism 101 | Intro to Color Magick | Correspondence Charts | A Horticultural Grimoire | In the Studio with Star
Greybeard's Garage: Who is Greybeard Dances? | Paganism 101 | A Question of Definitions | Paganus:  Another Perspective | Responsible Pagan Authorship | Monotheists Anonymous | Greybeard's Poetry | Muses & Mystics | A Shrine to Pan | Recommended Reading | Radical Druidry
Mirthful Paths: The Mirthful E-List | Our Award Winners | Word/Riddle of the Day | The Whole Pagan Webring | Survivor III:  Swamp Casting
Links & More Links: Reciprocal Sites | Pagan Organizations | Pagan Authors | Web Rings | Banner Exchanges
About This Site: Sign Our Guestbook View Our Guestbook | What's New? | Awards We've Won | Site Credits | Contact Us 

All site contents, unless otherwise noted, are the copywritten property of Starlight and Greybeard Dances, and may not be borrowed, used, quoted or otherwise distributed in their entirety or in any part without express written permission.  Questions or comments on this site may be directed to either Starlight or Greybeard.

This site last updated:  21 Aug 2003 12:05 PM -0500