Magickal Herbalism 101

An On-Line Course Outline
by Starlight Dances

This section provides an on-line version of the course taught by Starlight Dances.  Intended as an introduction to the basic elements of wildcrafting and magickal herbology, it originally was taught in weekly installments divided into the following areas:


Includes description of magickal resins, photos of trees & resin harvesting techniques, individual qualities of each resin, separate burning of each resin for fragrance/notes, homework...look for tree/shrub resins.


Includes descriptions, photos, harvesting, qualities, associations, grinding & burning, notes, homework...dig up a magickal plant and look at the roots.


Includes various identification techniques for trees, magickal properties, associations, homework:  hug and converse with a tree.


Includes descriptions, photos, harvesting & drying techniques, qualities, associations, grinding & burning, notes, homework...pick some flowers, put them aside to dry them.

HERBS - Week V

Includes descriptions, photos, harvesting, qualities, associations, grinding & burning, notes on a few commonly utilized herbs, homework ... look for magickal herbs in your yard & the world you live in.


Creating your own incense, herbal baths, teas,  substitutions, book lists, discussion, supply options, ritual use.

Starlight's Studio: Who is Starlight Dances? | Teas, Incense & Other Recipes | The Wheel of the Year | Phases of the Moon | Starlight on NAGPRA | The Church of Culture | Magickal Herbalism 101 | Intro to Color Magick | Correspondence Charts | A Horticultural Grimoire | In the Studio with Star
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This site last updated:  21 Aug 2003 12:05 PM -0500